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Connect with your personal coach today. Click to chat , call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669) , or Sign up today .
​At the Quitline, we understand the challenges you face in trying to quit tobacco. We have the experience and resources to help you quit for good. Here’s what sets our program apart:
  • The Quitline is free. The cost is covered by the Hawai‘i Tobacco Prevention and Control Trust Fund. The Trust Fund’s primary source of funding comes from the Master Settlement Agreement. A percentage of the Tobacco Industry profits is awarded annually to the State of Hawai‘i as part of the settlement to help remediate the health harms caused by tobacco. No taxpayer dollars are spent on the Quitine.
  • The Quitline is based on proven strategies and increases your chances of successfully quitting, and staying quit.
  • The Quitline is self-paced and customized for each person. You decide the details of your plan such as how often you speak with a quit coach and whether you use quit medications.
  • The Quitline is staffed by professional coaches who complete rigorous Tobacco Treatment Specialist training. We're operated by National Jewish Health, the leading respiratory hospital in the United States.
Quitting tobacco takes courage, time, and energy. It can take several attempts to quit for good. The Quitline helps you with the physical, emotional, and behavioral factors that make quitting so hard, but not impossible. We’ll help you:
  • Set a quit date
  • Tell other people about your quit
  • Anticipate and prepare for triggers
  • Get back on track after setbacks
  • Remove tobacco from your life

Commitment is Everything!

Take this short quiz to estimate your level of commitment to quitting tobacco. Based on your score, we’ll give you feedback on steps to start, re-start, or continue your quit journey.